HOW TO LOOSE WEIGHT 🌺 Hello, everyone hope you all are doing good. I am here to discuss some fast and precise tricks that will definitely help you in loosing weight. As you know me some of you who don't let me tell you that I used to be very heavy and now I have reduced around 8 to 9 kg. In this blog I am going to disclose my weight loss journey that would be beneficial for you too. BEFORE (HIDING MY FAT BY CROPPING IMAGE) AFTER (LOST 9 KGS ) QUICK TIPS 💕 1) START MORNING WITH LUKE WARM WATER Drink lukewarm water preferably with honey and lemon. If not possible, go for a glass of lukewarm water and drink it by sipping. It helps in dissolving the fat in your body. 2) EAT IN SMALL INTERVALS Don't eat in bulk that will be difficult for your digestive system to digest. Go for small portion meals